
Kamambo, Unmoved By EGM Outcome

ZIFA President Felton Kamambo says the purported ouster does not perturb him following a meeting by the so-called Councilors in Harare on Saturday.

At least 45 out of 48 voted for the ouster of Kamambo and his erstwhile right-hand man Philemon Machana from office during the ZIFA Extraordinary General Meeting.

However, the man from Midlands who refused to answer any questions in his official capacity as the suspended ZIFA President said people are free to hold meetings as they please.

“It is not a secret that I am suspended, and such, I will be breaking the rules should I give any statement as ZIFA President. I remain suspended and focusing on my family and business and not worried about what is happening outside my official position because I am not exercising much at the present moment,” Kamambo told EnterSportNews.

“However, should you want my personal opinion as a law-abiding citizen of Zimbabwe. I can safely tell you that this is a democratic country, and people are free to hold meetings anyway, just like with the burial societies, and that is what those people did if at all the meeting took place. I am not privy to any information as to what happened.

“What the decisions of that said meeting have any bearing on me? It is a story for another day, and as for my revocation, I am not aware. What I know is I am supposed to be a participant in the process of discussing my intended revocation.

“In the other questions, I cannot comment, and unfortunately, I don’t have anyone to refer you to.”

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