
Herentals bail out Fire Queens

HERENTALS Women’s Football club donated footballs to Fire Queens and promised to give them more football equipment after a preseason friendly at Motor Action Sports Club in Harare.

Herentals women demolished Fire Queens 11-1 as the Mt Hampden side was overwhelmed by the occasion of playing a Premiership side.

The Innocent Benza bankrolled side went to the breather leading 8 nil and took the foot off the pedal in the second half as they gave every member of the squad a run.

Credit must also go to coach Crispen Gomo whose halftime talk worked as his charges started playing the type of football that has made them darlings of the Mt Hampden area. They only conceded three goals and, more importantly, their consolation goal in a well-worked out move.

Fire Queens were missing their poster girl, shot-stopper Primrose Ranjisi who propelled the team to stardom after her story of saving penalties went viral on social media and, in the process, earned herself a scholarship from the Footballers Union of Zimbabwe.

Benza, one of the few people who braved the scorching heat, was touched by the plight of the Fire Queens girls who were playing barefooted and decided to donate soccer balls and promised more football equipment that could help uplift the Mt Hampden based side.

Loveness Mukura Herentals, women captain who donated on behalf of her team, said she could see herself in the young girls and wanted to see the scale to dizzy heights.

“Few years ago, I was just like you, don’t be deceived by what you see now, well kitted and all, it wasn’t always like this. Don’t be discouraged with where you are now and the defeat. You should dust yourself up and lift your heads high, “said Mukura.

“We are delighted to see our younger sisters taking up football as a career, and with more support, I know that these young girls are destined for greater heights. I hope our little gift will go a long way in uplifting the morale in the camp and remind all of you that you have big sisters who care about you,” added Mukura.

The shy Fire Queens’ team manager Sheillah Gomo who has overseen the team’s growth to a point where they can now play big teams like Herentals, was happy with the donation.

“If you come to our training sessions, you will see how we have been struggling with basics like balls, but today my prayers have been answered. We can now for once use standard soccer balls for training for a change,” Gomo said.

“We want to thank Herentals for allowing us to play against them although we lost heavily, such is football.”

Fire Queens received another invitation to play more formidable opposition and should be back in Harare next week to play the Legends Women’s Football Club, who are based at Hellenics Sports Club just next door to Motor Action Sports Club.

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